Monday, April 20, 2009

Believe it or not...

This was too funny to share goes...

When I took the kids to meet my dad on Friday, after dropping them off I opened a fresh pack of my favorite gum, stride. On the inside of the flap was a To Do List...

This just so happens to be the first thing we will do when we get there! Ha!


  1. Now that's too cute! Please do one for me when you get there. ;-) I was a competetive gymnast back in the day. I sit up and take notice when I hear cartwheel.

    I'm enjoying your blog and following along.

    God Bless-

  2. that is awesome! that is actually on my life to do list... well not the cartwheel part, i can't. but if i learned how i totally would!

  3. That is HILARIOUS!!! What are those chances of getting that exact wrapper!!! SO COOL!! Get Jeff to take a pic of you doing a cartwheel at the Great WAll!!! I can't wait to see it!! :) Love ya!

  4. Girl...I kept looking for another post since I know you're leaving either tonight or tomorrow!!! Anyway...PLEASE keep us all posted!! I cannot WAIT to see you guys enjoy China and meet precious Lily Kate! We're praying for you!!!
    Love ya,
