Monday, December 8, 2008

Sent our care package today!

Well our adoption agency said we could send a care package to our baby girl so off I for just the right things...and once I got what I thought I wanted I wondered if she would like them. I have always heard that all kids love stacking cups and links and every baby needs a stuffed animal for sleepytime. I found this cozy little blanket and filled her "who loves baby" album with pictures of her soon new family. I almost hit the floor when I saw what it costs to ship to China...but oh, it is all worth it for her. I hope she gets her things and loves them all. I hope she senses we already love her and are thinking about her...every minute...every day. So much so that it is hard to get anything else done. Seriously, it's bad!
Her birthday is coming up on Christmas Eve and the lady at the Fedex place said it should arrive there in just a few enough time to make it there for her big 2nd birthday! :) Waiting on that LOA is worse than waiting on the call for a match. One thing is for sure just a few months we will be holding our little one.
BG saw her picture today and she said, "there's LK". I said, "yeah and soon she will be here and you can be friends, and play, and she can sleep in your room with you...". BG said, "yeah and we can play drums and sing too!" I thought that was funny. She is already getting the idea!


  1. What a wonderful care package! I'm sure you're going to make her a very happy little girl. :)

  2. OH HOW EXCITING!!! She's going to LOVE the care package!!! It's SO awesome too to see the pix of her with it. Knowing she has something you gave her is just a wonderful thing!!! I can't wait to see those pix!!! YES...waiting for LOA is MISERABLE!!!! It was the hardest for us....we went over 130 days waiting for LOA. I was about to go out of my mind!!! I know it won't go that long for you guys. We just had a weird situation. Anyway...we're still praying for you guys and we're so excited!!! Love yall!!! Have a great Christmas!!!
    love ya,

  3. To this day, Josie still carries around the photo album that she received from our care package. Putting together that care package felt productive while the dreaded LOA wait continued on and on and on. Please know that I'm thinking of you and praying for a speedy turnaround. I don't even want to tell you how many days we waited. It's pretty close to Buffi's wait.

    Hugs and blessings to your family.

  4. Your kids are adorable! Wishing for you a speedy LOA. Maybe we will meet in CHina :)

  5. I loved sending care packages waiting for Lindsey..even got photos back with her and the packages!! Heres to a fast LOA!!!!
